Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Living The Dream

This beautiful lady is waiting for me every morning when I stumble into my sewing room, sleepy yet grateful for a little quiet time before the day begins at full speed. She is the creation of Kelly Rae Roberts (kellyraeroberts.com), an amazingly successful Portland artist who is living the dream.

We all have those up days where we can do anything, and then there are the moments when doubt reigns supreme. "Why am I kidding myself?" I wonder. Well, I'm not, and neither are you. I don't know where this road will lead exactly and I don't want to know. As they say, the journey is the thing. I just appreciate that someone who has achieved celebrated success is doing so with a mission of positivity for the rest of us. When I find myself struggling I take a moment to look at my lovely lady and she always has the advice I need at that very moment.

And the bottom line comes back to me: even if I never make a million dollars doing what I'm doing it doesn't matter. I do it because I love it and it brings me joy. And what greater gift is there?
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