Monday, June 4, 2012

Kid's Recycle Art

The other day, as I was blissfully sewing my heart out, my son wandered into the studio (fancy term for crazy, messy sewing room!) and asked if he could paint a random piece of cardboard I had left on a table. I said sure, figuring since his little sister was actively pulling everything out of her closet one calm kid out of two wasn't bad!

He started with a junky drip catcher and I noticed his technique was collage-like, which was sweet seeing as how he had just been looking through my art journal.

I went back to what I was doing and was so excited when he showed me his final project! I've had an empty, wooden Goodwill frame just sitting around that I've been trying to figure out what to do with and wouldn't you know it - it fit like a glove!

I sealed the picture with matte Collage Pauge and slipped it into the frame. Its now the main work of art in our bedroom and I just LOVE it!

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