Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Project 12 - Week 1

This week was a busy one! Lots going on with the family so I was determined to get my 12 minutes and am proud to say I did! I was in the mood to play in my art journal which lends itself very well to small bits of time. My BIG PROJECT of the week was cleaning the studio! It feels great in there now and I am excited to get going on purses for the market this summer!

Day 1: Preparing journal pages...not super exciting but must be done in order to go forward.

Day 2: Slapping some Gesso and paint on there!

Used this cool utility tape from Lowe's for some texture. My friend Renea' gave me some to use and I don't even claim to know the actual purpose for it.

Day 3: Adding some Sharpie doodles and stamps. Starting to think a lot about getting to visit Paris this fall!

Day 4: Renea' and I geeked out on some serious You Tube craft videos and saw a super cool way to fancy up a picture. This is junk mail I had snagged from work!

Tore off the face and Collage Pauged it to the page.

Then Gesso'd over it.

After the Gesso dried I used oil pastel crayons to redo her look.
She might be a little intense (my son says creepy! HA!) but in my not so highly traveled mind I think she actually looks a little French!

Days 5 and 6 were spent painting the purse I shared in my last post and day 7 consisted of me in a ball on the couch surrounded by magazines, scissors and a box of fabric scraps....NOBODY wants to see that! Ha ha! But seriously, this week was a perfect example of taking a little time for something I really want/need to do and how much better I feel when I have even the smallest of outlets! On to week 2!
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