Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Grandma's birthday quilt

My mom celebrated her 60th birthday this year so I got all the grandkids together to make her a birthday quilt. Kids and fabric markers are an excellent combination! I love their creative freedom.

I cut 11 inch blocks of solid, light colored fabric and told each child to draw a picture for Grandma. In the interest of saving fabric I had them do a preliminary picture on paper with regular markers, then when they had a basic idea of what they wanted to draw they used Crayola brand fabric markers on the blocks. I asked them to keep about a 1/2 inch border around the edges so nothing would disappear in the 1/4 inch seam allowance.

Instead of a label I made a block in the one remaining space.

I placed the blocks in order from the oldest to the youngest grandchild and made easy strip blocks from flowery fabric in my stash. What Grandma doesn't love flowers!! I spent a little extra time making bias binding for the scalloped border (which is hard to see in this photo). I was very excited with how happy and bright this quilt turned out. A special gift for a very, very special Grandma!!

An amazing self portrait!

A boy's feelings on Grandma's yard.

Some of the cutest daffodils I've seen!

So bright and pretty.

Getting the kids together to create this gift was a fun day for them and it can be done with the simplest of quilt patterns!!

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