Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Art Journal Expression

I have never been comfortable with drawing or painting - not my forte to say the least. But forcing myself to ignore my inner sensor and just play, without concern for the end result, is a big, big step. I've been finding that letting go of a "plan" and letting my creative mind wander allows for other ideas to flow. Often I will stop and write them down on a notepad nearby to keep things going without stressing over remembering those great ideas. I am a mom and my post-its have post-its, but that's how I roll!
This journal spread was put together with book pages, fabric scraps, images torn out of magazines and newspapers that caught my eye for one reason or another and whatever color I was feeling at the moment.
There is no "right" way to art journal and I do it strictly for myself as the mood strikes me. The first time I picked up a paint brush it felt foreign and wrong in my hand but I'm glad I worked past that block. I hope you will try something new, maybe something that scares you a bit or feels foreign - its how we grow!
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